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السبت، 4 أبريل 2015

Storm packages: Do not disable the missions of the Red Cross and scheduled trips .. and Houthis waiting to work in airports

                   Storm packages

 Do not disable the missions of the Red Cross and scheduled trips .. and Houthis waiting to work in airports

Denied, spokesman for the coalition forces, advisor at HH Defense Minister Brigadier General Office Corner Ahmed Bin Hassan Asiri the trading of news about the deposed Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh out through the Russian aviation within the evacuation of Russian nationals process, stressing that the Russian aircraft made two days after the two participating States before the Coalition forces in "packets Storm" of the Arab Republic of Egypt, which have said they will not Tamola Houthis and the Kingdom of Jordan, and explaining that this information is accurate, and that work with these countries is the confidence of being aware of the responsibility and the seriousness of this situation, while Asiri confirmed that coalition operations have not been to deal with people, but to deal with the geopolitical position was followed to take action against persons who have committed crimes by the Yemeni government's legitimacy.

Ousted president has created the conditions for the work of al-Qaeda on the ground
Brigadier Asiri during the daily press briefing held by the base Riyadh flights yesterday evening that the leadership of the coalition formed when political guidance from coalition countries were aware of the responsibility towards the brotherly people of Yemen, and to the region's security and safety, pointing out that one of the most important of these responsibilities is the human side, indicating that the newspapers and the media dealt with during the past few days the subject of the evacuation of nationals from inside Yemen, and the issue of facilitating humanitarian action directed to the Yemeni people, drawing attention to the leadership has already called for since the first day all sides to continue with the work and official bodies teams in Saudi Arabia and the Coalition to facilitate their actions.

A spokesman for the coalition forces that there is a logical reasons to facilitate relief work procedures and evacuation of nationals, including making sure that these actions do not intersect with the ongoing operations in the same locations, and then put their lives at risk, and to make sure that the relief work and the evacuation of nationals to be either in the right direction and access the persons concerned and do not reach for terrorist groups, and to make sure at the same time they are actually citizens of the state, not belonging to the leaders belonging to the Houthi militias and others.

He added that these measures are normal, where there was continued from many of the countries that have declared their desire to evacuate their citizens in an orderly manner in coordination with the leadership of the coalition, pointing out that what is presented in the media is not accurate because of the absence of real information, and the leadership of the Alliance oversees happy availability of information for the media .

«Wild» dealt with groups tried to dig trenches on the border and «Marine» watched navigation in the territorial waters
And Brigadier-Asiri to evacuate nationals is through coordination with the Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia and other interest and those of the Ministry, stressing that the leadership of the coalition formed yesterday a committee to speed up and regulate the actions of humanitarian organizations only recognized, even area is not open only for such well-known actors, students from media to communicate with the committee through the stated numbers, as well as communicate via dedicated to the Ministry of Defence site e-mail to follow the procedures electronically, stressing that the work of the ministry teams communicate with those human rights and humanitarian agencies to ensure implementation of its tasks.

He denied Asiri health of what appeared in the news agencies yesterday to disable the Red Cross mission, stressing that his trips scheduled for tomorrow (today) and there is no disabled, and that there was a change by the Red Cross in a way delivery of cargo, and the change of the sites and those who would respond, including aircraft, stressing The Houthis are held to work in airports.

And the Red Cross demand to halt strikes for 24 hours for the delivery of humanitarian aid between Brigadier Asiri that coalition forces when there became a political guidance from the political leadership of the alliance to take a particular action will be implemented immediately, stressing that humanitarian action is part of the military action, and coalition forces are aware responsibilities towards the Yemeni people, and there are some procedures necessary for its work.

He said: "We do not want to get ahead of things and when the political leadership required that there is a need for such action will be," We are investigating targets on the ground Our primary goal is the interest of the people of Yemen and the region's security, integrity and security of the borders of Saudi Arabia and the neighboring countries of Yemen and safety, but this does not prevent to do humanitarian work.

And about the exploitation of the base of the current situation, especially in Mukalla, said they were watching the situation and know that the active base in these areas for a long time, accusing the former president of Yemen to create the conditions for the work on the ground, including the recent work that they have done from attacking the prison and the release of al Qaeda prisoners are dangerous who have attacked Mukalla and took control of the banks and government institutions, and set up some checkpoints to control, noting that coalition forces monitors in order to assess the situation without being aware that there is pursuant taken now, but pointing out that the Yemeni People's Committees Tquaomanm and working with the coalition forces, as well as the Yemeni government to assess the situation there and do the required work that can lead to positive results.

The Dean Asiri confirmed that Aden became under the control of the People's Committees and small numbers of al-Houthi militias still exist in specific locations within the Garden of Eden, noting that the support of the coalition forces on the ground helped.

And between the coalition forces and continued to hit her huge weapons stored by these militias stores, adding to the atmosphere of reduced air operations for fear of strikes unfocused and an investigation of the safety of pilots. He added that the ground forces continued targeting Houthi movement on the border militias, pointing out that it dealt with groups tried to dig trenches on the borderline.

He said that the Navy continued to navigation in the territorial waters around the Yemeni border to make sure they do not carry Tamoana for the Houthis and make sure not to break one of the elements of this terrorist militia.

Asiri and announced the formation of the coalition committee to facilitate the procedures so that countries can or humanitarian organizations recognized communicate with this committee, through 00966114736140 to 00966114789000 Ext 7532 numbers.

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